#48 Humbly We Seek God

“Blessed is the Lord. All who are humble see him; so it is.

Blessed be the keeper of heaven and earth. Closer still, let me see all. Blessed be the name of the Lord. So many blessings, many that I can’t even see. Closer let me seek you, to the messiah.

”For those who seek” - come closer to Christ.

Bless my family (let them learn) to seek God. Block the road with blessings, for you are the blessing maker. From the sea to the sunrise you are the maker.

So let it be said hallelujah for “those who seek-find”

Blessed be Papa, he wraps me in a blanket. So see the Lord is good

so holy Father, let your blessings wash over me.

I seek more than this, God is not a flake, those who seek always find.”

— Elliott Rinehart


#49 See The Holy Land


#47 Suicide And Fear of Hell