Our Ministry

“The real adventure is seeing what God will do next”

Supporting YWAM Ministries

We are dedicated to working with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) and supporting it’s mission of spreading the Gospel and serving communities worldwide. In today's digital age, effective communication and outreach are crucial for the success of these ministries. My ministry focuses on developing websites, training individuals, managing social media, and providing photography and videography services to support YWAM bases.

The Need

There is over 1,200 YWAM bases around the world. They vary wildly in their size, resources, and ministry goals. But one common thread throughout is the lack of communications know how and support. Most YWAM bases have little to no digital footprint. It is not for lack of trying either, YWAM bases NEED a good digital footprint as it is one of the main ways that people learn about YWAM and decide to become missionaries. Without a robust digital presence, YWAM's message may not reach those who need to hear it the most.

What We Do

We step into the communication gap at YWAM bases. Following a process of encouraging, strategizing, working on projects, and providing ongoing support.


Developing a supportive and knowledgeable community is at the heart of my ministry. By listening and training individuals in website management, social media strategies, and content creation, we empower YWAM staff and volunteers to take ownership of their digital presence. This not only equips them with practical skills but also boosts their confidence in using technology to further their mission. Encouraging team members to share their stories and experiences through blogs, posts, and videos creates a sense of unity and purpose, motivating others to join and support the cause.


I work closely with YWAM bases to develop comprehensive plans that align with their goals and vision. This includes creating user-friendly websites, designing and planning social media campaigns, and producing compelling visual content. By analyzing audience engagement and feedback, we continuously refine our strategies to ensure maximum impact. Strategic planning helps in prioritizing efforts, optimizing resources, and measuring success, ensuring that the ministry's message is delivered effectively and efficiently.


I have had the privilege of working on numerous projects that have significantly enhanced the digital presence of various YWAM bases. From launching new websites to conducting training workshops and producing promotional videos, each project has been tailored to meet the unique needs of the ministry. Each project is designed to encourage YWAMers and bring other missionaries out of their shell. Helping them to see that God hear’s their needs and giving them the confidence to grow their community.

Explore Video Projects

Ongoing Support

Support doesn't end with the completion of a project. I provide ongoing assistance to ensure that YWAM bases can maintain and grow their digital presence. This includes regular website updates, social media management, and content creation. I also offer continuous training and support to keep staff and volunteers updated on the latest digital tools and trends. By fostering long-term relationships with YWAM bases, we can create a sustainable model of digital communication that adapts to the evolving needs of YWAM bases. Ongoing support ensures that the digital platforms remain effective and continue to serve as powerful tools for outreach and engagement. In conclusion, supporting YWAM through website development, training, social media management, and visual content creation is crucial in today's digital age. By addressing the need, encouraging and empowering individuals, strategizing effectively, executing impactful projects, and providing ongoing support, we can enhance the reach and impact of YWAM's work around the world.

If you want to see lives changed for God’s glory, consider joining our support team