#93 The Abundant Life 


In America we are daily confronted by the need to improve. To be better than we are now. To get stronger, healthier, live longer, be prettier, and be happier. Modernism emphasized the individual moving us away from community growth and towards self involvement. In that sense modernism draws us to consume more so that we may ourselves become better people. Meanwhile postmodernism causes us to break down our assumptions about the world around us. Nothing is true or secure except yourself and maybe even that. The postmodern man seeks security and identity in consumerism and self improvement. The prevailing idea is that either you are not good enough or you could be better. If we take the claims of our culture, that you should desire to be stronger, healthier, live longer, be prettier, and be happier. There is an implicit belief that you are weak, that is why you need to be stronger, you are sick, you are going to die soon, you are ugly, and worst of all you aren’t even happy! 

The lies of culture are best combated by the truth of God’s word. 

The Abundant Life 

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10)

  • Our culture acts as the thief. 

  • Yet Christ has come to save us.

  • Christ gives us true life.

When John says “and have it abundantly” we should note the idea. The idea is the abundant life. The abundant life is one characterized by the presence of God in it. It is abundant that is full, there is no seeking or striving only being. Furthermore it is life. Life is not sitting still. True life is growing in your sainthood towards the presence of God. This is a life where nothing needs to be added yet we may still grow. 

  • It is consumerism replaced with God’s abundance

  • It is modernism’s individual replaced with God’s presence

  • It is postmodernism’s questioning replaced with God’s assurance. 

The Presence

“You will make known to me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever.” (Psalm 16:11)

  • If we are in the presence of God nothing could make us happier. 

  • Seeking after happiness in this life is futile as the only true happiness is in the presence of God. 

This verse uses the phrase “fullness of Joy.” Fullness is to say maximum. In God’s presence we are completely filled. Furthermore, as we grow in sainthood our capacity for joy increases and is filled with God’s presence. Joy is understood as real happiness. Happiness is a fleeting emotion whereas joy is a long lasting gift of God that envelopes the whole being and is radiated to those in our lives. 

Rest in the Presence of God

Rest in the Presence of God as Christ says, “come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)

  • In God’s presence we learn to grow in the ways that truly matter.

  • In God’s presence we let go of our cultural baggage and pick up Christ’s burden. 

  • Rest for the body is temporary yet rest for our souls is a true blessing. 

  • Christ calls us away from the worries of this world and towards his presence. 

Other Considerations 

Psalm 46:10

Psalm 62:1-2 

Psalm 91:1-2

Isaiah 40:31

Exodus 33:14


#94 Baptism Myths (4 Myths Examined)


#92 Review Motives: Why Do I Do the Things I Do