#2 Our Philosophy Of Ministry


My philosophy of ministry can be summarized as: God first, wife second, kids third, ministry 4th. It is my belief that a good relationship with your spouse begins with a good relationship with God. Furthermore, a good relationship with your kids begins with a good relationship with your spouse and God. Finally, I believe that all who wish to be in ministry must have their families in order. I cannot serve God’s people from a place of brokenness in my own life.

My Family

I must first be a good husband and father before giving attention to ministry. To that end I strive to pray for my family daily. Spend meaningful time with my wife and kids on a daily basis without any distractions like phone calls. Our family prays together regularly as well as study the Bible together.

Sunday Morning

I believe that Sunday is still the sabbath. “So there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God. For the one who has entered His rest has himself also rested from his works, as God did from His.” (Heb 4:9–10) As a pastor I believe this should be kept in mind when starting ministries of the church. Sunday volunteers should be given regular respites from their service to God. Furthermore pastors should take at least one day a week to recharge and be restored for God’s work. God rested after six days of labor and none of us are stronger than God so we

must rest. Depending on the particular church I believe that Saturday or Monday ought to be a day of rest for pastors.

The Church

Here is a summary of what I believe about the Church. The Church is common ground for sinners and saints. Where people develop a relationship with God, where people learn to use their spiritual gifts, where leaders are cultivated, and a place where people find rest in God.

When it comes to ministry, I believe that no one ministry of the church should fall on one person's shoulders. If this is ever the case I would rather that ministry end than someone to do it alone.


The church should not only exist within the confines of a building. This being the case the church should foster and grow ministries outside of the church that bring people to Christ.


People who are a part of the church ought to be continuously growing closer to God. At some points christians are called to rest in God’s presence where they are. But no believer is called to be stagnant. The church should provide opportunities for personal growth and development outside of the Sunday service. Such as small groups, book studies, outreach ministries, seminars, and retreats.


#3 The Purpose Of The Church


#1 Reading 200 Books A Year