#13 Review of A Spirituality of Fundraising by Henri J.M. Nouwen

"A Spirituality of Fundraising" is a thought-provoking book written by Henri J.M. Nouwen, a renowned Catholic priest, theologian, and writer. In this book, Nouwen explores the spiritual dimensions of fundraising and challenges the common misconceptions and negative attitudes surrounding it. He presents a transformative perspective on fundraising as a means of nurturing deep relationships, fostering community, and cultivating a profound sense of gratitude.

Nouwen begins by acknowledging the inherent tension that exists between the worlds of money and spirituality. He recognizes that money often carries negative connotations, associated with greed, power, and exploitation. However, he argues that fundraising can be a deeply spiritual practice when approached with the right mindset and intentions. Nouwen believes that true spirituality involves recognizing and embracing the interconnectedness of all aspects of life, including money and fundraising. The central theme of Nouwen's book is the idea that fundraising is not primarily about obtaining financial resources but rather about building relationships. He suggests that fundraising should be seen as an invitation to connect with others, to share one's mission, and to invite others to participate in a common vision. It is through this process of relationship-building that both the fundraiser and the donor experience spiritual transformation and growth.

Nouwen challenges the prevailing notion that fundraising is solely the responsibility of a few designated individuals within an organization. He argues that fundraising is a communal task that requires the involvement and engagement of the entire community. He encourages individuals and organizations to embrace a collective responsibility for fundraising and to view it as an opportunity for building and strengthening community bonds. One of the key virtues Nouwen emphasizes in the context of fundraising is gratitude. He suggests that a grateful heart lies at the foundation of a spirituality of fundraising. By cultivating a deep sense of gratitude, fundraisers can shift their focus from scarcity to abundance, from anxiety to trust. Nouwen believes that gratitude enables fundraisers to approach potential donors not as sources of income but as partners in a shared mission. He encourages fundraisers to express their gratitude genuinely and consistently, recognizing the invaluable role donors play in enabling the realization of a vision.

In addition to gratitude, Nouwen emphasizes the importance of vulnerability and trust in the fundraising process. He believes that fundraisers should approach potential donors with a genuine openness, transparency, and authenticity. By sharing their own vulnerabilities and limitations, fundraisers create a space for others to respond with compassion and support. Nouwen reminds fundraisers that fundraising is not about manipulating or coercing donors but about inviting them to participate willingly and joyfully in a cause that resonates with their own values and beliefs. Throughout the book, Nouwen weaves together personal anecdotes, reflections, and insights from his own experiences in fundraising. He shares stories of individuals who have experienced profound transformation through their involvement in fundraising efforts. These stories serve as powerful illustrations of the transformative potential of fundraising when grounded in spirituality and guided by the principles of gratitude, vulnerability, and trust.

In conclusion, "A Spirituality of Fundraising" by Henri J.M. Nouwen challenges conventional notions about fundraising and invites readers to embrace a new perspective rooted in spirituality. Nouwen presents fundraising as an opportunity for deepening relationships, fostering community, and cultivating a profound sense of gratitude. He emphasizes the importance of collective responsibility, vulnerability, and trust in the fundraising process. Ultimately, Nouwen's book offers a refreshing and transformative approach to fundraising that has the potential to enrich the lives of fundraisers, donors, and the communities they serve.


#14 Guide to Goal Setting


#12 The Place of the Apocrypha