#20 Intersection of the Apocrypha and the Bible

The Prayer of Azariah

The prayer of Azariah is a prayer, and a song that Azariah sings as he is in the fire with two other Jews. From the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Susana, the story of Susana is about Susana dealing with two corrupt men. Susana was a good woman, married to a rich man. She went to her garden to bathe. But while there two priests who were there as judges decided they liked her and gave her an ultimatum to have sex with them, or they would say she was having sex with someone else. She chose the second option, and when she was brought to court, she was condemned to death. After this Daniel from the book of Daniel says he will have no part in Susana’s death because the two witnesses have not been tested. Daniel separated the men and asked under what tree they saw Susana having an affair. Their stories did not match up, so Daniel had the two priests put to death.

Bel and The Dragon

The idol bel and the dragon. In this story three things happened. First Daniel Exposes the Babylonian god bel to be a false god. The king upon seeing that bel was fake had all of bel’s servants put to death. The second story is about Daniel killing a dragon with cake. Because the king allowed Daniel to kill off bel and the dragon, the people of Babylon wanted Daniel to be put to death. The king had Daniel thrown into the lion’s den. Daniel may or may or have been put in the lion’s den more than once. Either way this was probably the first time. The story describes how Daniel is fed by the prophet Habakkuk for seven days. Daniel of course survives to go onto be in the stories that are known in the book of Daniel.


The Letter of Jeremiah is about why the Jews were carted off to Babylon. The letter talks about the issue of idols. While Baruch describes the Jews being taken to Babylon. This is a letter that was sent to Jerusalem. The letter describes several prayers. As well as containing some praise for wisdom. It is finished with the promise of future help for Israel. It is interesting to note that in Baruch 1:1 it says that Hilkiah wrote this letter. Hilkiah is also mentioned in Susana as the father of Susana. I don’t know if they are the same person, but it is interesting to note.


Together these letters add some much-needed clarity to the story of Daniel which is centered around one man. When the wider story should be about an entire nation and other individuals. It seems to me if these stories were included in an appendix to Daniel or the bible the study of the bible would be greatly benifited.


#21 Who is Jesus in the book of John?


#19 Paul’s Treatment Of Women