#96 Theological Influences on Elliott Rinehart

Many voices have spoken into my life over the years. But some stick out more than others. The influence of my parents, grandparents, and especially my wife cannot be overstated. Beyond those there are pastors, professors, and authors, that have made an impact on my life and my beliefs. They are listed here. 

Professor Terry O’Casey

O’Casey was one of my professors at Bushnell. He taught all the introductory Bible courses. He was well believed by the staff and students alike and voted the best professor for many years. Kessa and I both took many classes from him. Including Church planting and turnaround churches which we took together. That class especially built the framework by which my wife and I think about  the Church. He taught us to love and care for the church. In his later years he helped to replant dozens of churches throughout Oregon. He passed away from cancer while we were still in school and hundreds of students wore flannel shirts in his honor. So many people sought to remember him at his memorial that they had three services each with over a thousand people. Before he passed away he had agreed to do our premarital counseling yet that did not happen as the cancer came fast and he passed away before our wedding day. One of my main takeaways from O’Casey’s life was his approach to ministry. He prioritized things as: 1. His relationship with God. His relationship with his wife. 3. His children’s needs. 4. Then the needs of the Church. 

Here is a sermon that speaks to O'Casey's personality and approach to ministry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdQ1Kpiythk&list=WL&index=29 

AJ Swoboda 

AJ was another one of my professors from Bushnell. AJ is still teaching there. I was part of the student hiring team that voted to hire AJ. He took over O’Casey’s role at Bushnell. He has much of the same spirit as O’Casey had. He was a professor and church planter in Portland for many years before coming to Eugene. He has authored more than ten books. He is the one who first taught me how to preach. Furthermore his book Subversive Sabbath has formed a major part of how I think about rest and ministry today. 

Here is the link to AJ’s book Subversive Sabbath: https://www.amazon.com/Subversive-Sabbath-Surprising-Power-Nonstop/dp/1587434059 

John Piper

While in college I worked my summers as a gardener at Bushnell. This blessed me with almost limitless time to think, pray, and listen to books. One summer I found out about John Piper. I started to listen to his sermons while working. I must have listened to over 100 sermons on the book of Romans. Still to this day I listen to his sermons and read his books on occasion. He is part of the measuring rod that I measure myself against. I have read his book Expository Exultation: Christian Preaching as Worship several times. While 2024 I have also read his book The Supremacy of God in Preaching.

Here is his sermons on Romans: https://www.desiringgod.org/series/romans-the-greatest-letter-ever-written/messages 

Timothy Keller

Keller has been a voice in my life for many years through his books and sermons. I studied his sermons in Bible college. I appreciate his analytical approach to sermons. I have read his book Preaching: Communicating Faith in an Age of Skepticism many times. From his work I am always reminded of the need to make sermons accessible to all, especially the skeptics. In the process of doing premarital counseling my wife and I read through The Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God by Keller. This book has helped us to put our marriage on a solid footing. One of my favorite sermons by Keller is his sermon about 9/11 that I preached the following Sunday. This sermon speaks volumes to Keller's faith and practice. Keller passed away in 2023 while I was living in NYC just a few miles away from his Church. I regret not having the chance to hear him in person, I know I will see him again soon. 

Sermon on 9/11: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkZqsZqiEIA 

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Bonhoeffer was a pastor and theologian in Germany during WWII. He has written many books that still have a wide readership. I first heard of Bonhoeffer while in high school before being called into ministry. His book The Cost of Discipleship brought the sermon on the mount to the front of my faith. Furthermore the book Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas gave color to who Bonhoeffer was. The life of Bonhoeffer inspires me to do more and do it better and all for God’s glory. Both of books I have read over and over again I must of read The Cost of Discipleship ten times by now yet there is so much that I have yet to fully understand in that book. While at Fuller Theological Seminary I was able to take a class about Bonhoffer and in the process of that class read most of his work. My thinking about the sermon on the mount is colored by his writings. Bonhoeffer lived in Harlem NYC before WWII and was a youth pastor at the Abyssinian Baptist Church. This Church was just down the street from me when I lived in NYC in 2023. It is a reminder to me that on the shoulders of giants. 

The Cost of Discipleship: 


Charles Spurgeon

I own most of the books by Spurgeon. Spurgeon was one of the most influential speakers of his day and the author of over 150 books. When I was called to ministry one of the first books I read was Lectures to My Students. In this book Spurgeon talks about the calling to preach and be a pastor. The demands, attitude, and guiding of the Spirit. This book I have read at least every other year since I was seventeen. Each time it convicts me to pray more and to challenge and question my calling. 

Lectures to My Students: https://www.amazon.com/Lectures-My-Students-C-Spurgeon/dp/1598565176 

Floyd Ogle, Joe Basile, Ryan Penir, and Scott Gossenberger

These are the pastors at the church I currently attend. Floyd has recently stepped away from pastoring but is still a leader. I cannot say enough good things about this group of people. So, I won’t even begin to try. Except to say that they have taught me how to enjoy ministry and live a good life. 

To learn more about the church: https://www.firststreetchurch.com/ 


There are tons of other voices that speak into my life including: John MacArthur and Martin Luther. 


#97 Prayer - The Way of a Pilgrim


#95 Lectio Divina: a Simple Guide