#72 Basic Social Media Plan for YWAM Bases

3 content pillars and 3 goals

Have 3 content pillars and 3 goals.

A content pillar is a form of content that expresses who you are. For a YWAM base some content pillars could be:

  • Worship

  • Testimonials of volunteers

  • Words of encouragement

  • Sermons or sermon segments or devotional segments

  • Verse of the day

  • volunteers working

While some goals for YWAM bases would be something like:

  • More people at DTS

  • More Mission Builders

  • More donors

  • More social media followers

  • More youth groups visiting


When you put these two things together 3 x 3 that gets you 9 different post ideas that you can cycle through on a regular basis depending on how much time you have available.

For example lets say your 3 content pillars are 1. volunteers working, 2. devotional segments, and 3. Worship. While your 3 goals are: 1. More people at DTS, 2. More Mission Builders, 3. More social media followers. That gives you 9 combinations:

  1. Volunteers working + More people at DTS

  2. Volunteers working + More Mission Builders

  3. Volunteers working + More social media followers

  4. Devotional segments + More people at DTS

  5. Devotional segments + More Mission Builders

  6. Devotional segments + More social media followers

  7. Worship + More people at DTS

  8. Worship + More Mission Builders

  9. Worship + More social media followers

Breakdown of post ideas

Volunteers working + More Mission Builders

  • pictures of volunteers/ video/ story and show mission builders working

  • pictures of volunteers/ video/ story and Mission Builder opportunities

Volunteers working + More social media followers

  • pictures of volunteers working invite to follow to find out what is happening

Devotional segments + More people at DTS

  • Show people speaking and invite people to come learn at DTS

  • picture of speaker plus a quote and invite people to come learn at DTS

Devotional segments + More Mission Builders

  • Show people speaking and invite Mission Builders to be part of the community

  • picture of speaker plus a quote and invite Mission Builders to be part of the community

  • picture of speaker plus a quote and mission builder story of growth etc

Devotional segments + More social media followers

  • picture of speaker plus a quote and expand on the quote with YWAM principles

Worship + More people at DTS

  • Picture or video of worship and learning about worship at DTS

  • Picture or video of worship and invitation to join worship team on DTS

Worship + More Mission Builders

  • Picture or video of worship and Mission Builder quote

Worship + More social media followers

  • Just post a song from worship time


The key is consistency. Ideally 3-5 times a week but consistency is what is most important. If you made all nine of these post ideas and posted 3 times a week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, then your content is done for the next 3 weeks! After that simply rinse and repeat! plus feel free to switch it up depending on the season. If a conference is around the corner make one of your goals the conference, switch it up!


Get a Mission Builder to run the social media according to this and stay out of their way! That will help keep things fresh. Or if you are doing it yourself take all the pictures for the month on one day and then ask ChatGPT to write captions for the photos based on your goals then rewrite as needed.


#73 107 Reel / Post Ideas for YWAM Bases


#71 Basic Social Media Plan for Small Churches