#76 The Slow Life (Idea)

The slow life is an idea worth considering. It comes down to making life a bit less hectic and more meaningful at the same time.

What Is It?

The slow life is characterized by an unhurried approach to all things. In your mannerisms and life patterns you convey peace. It can be easy to make a long list of things to be done and then stress about that list or become anxious about it. What I suggest is that instead we accept our human limitations and prioritize the list. I know, I know, this is pretty obvious stuff that has been said before but hear me out. I am turning the idea of productivity sideways. It is not about how much you get done but rather what and how you do it that matters. Not productivity but instead life. The traditional formula is speed + priority = productivity. I suggest this as an alternative priority + time = productivity. The difference there is speed vs time. speed says get it done fast so you can get to the next thing. While time says invest in this thing, do it right, enjoy the process. When we take our time doing the right things I believe we can get more done. While also doing it better and having more fun along the way.

Who Is This For?

Well honestly it’s for me. But it might be for you too. It depends on what type of person you are. If you are already a relaxed person this might be the wrong message for you. But if you are like me and find yourself doing too much too fast this might be what you need to hear.

The Details

“So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own“ (Matthew 6:34). Jesus urges us to take things one day at a time. Each day has it’s own troubles. Also consider “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30). Jesus urges us not to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders like Atlas. But instead to carry His burden which is light.

In the same way that Christ urges us to pray “‘Give us this day our daily bread“ (Matthew 6:11). We may ask God to us today our daily work. What is the work that God is calling you to do today? What if done well, for the right reasons, will make the most eternal difference? Some days we are called to simply go through the motions of maintaining our work. While others we must have ten meetings. While in still more there are several projects to undertake. In so much as it is possible the slow life would suggest to have no more than two goals for the day. You may accomplish more but know that all that matters that day is those two things everything else is extra; perhaps this is a comfort?

Furthermore, when we are with people we should be truly with them. Engage them, slow down, and be a friend. When we are in a group or with a person we should not be thinking about all our other meetings that day. But instead to slow down and be more like Jesus.

Furthermore the slow life would include healthy christian habits that are up lifting. Including exercise, Bible study, and prayer every morning. It would of course need to be given enough time that we can rest in the presence of God and not be hurried to the day’s work.

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#77 Statement of Faith


#75 Keeping up with The Bible