#77 Statement of Faith
I believe that most issues that divide the Church today should be considered secondary issues. By which I mean that if we believe that salvation comes through Christ then all less more or less becomes a secondary issue. These secondary issues should not divide us but rather may be a useful guideline for determining who should be a part of a particular church.
I believe that beliefs about the end times be it amillennial, premillennial, or postmillennial are completely irrelevant to how christians live their lives today. I do not presently have a strong opinion on the subject one way or another.
Statements of Faith
I agree with the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message. As it is a thoroughly Christian statement of faith. Any differences in my beliefs and that document are noted below. I also confirm the Nicean creed.
The Bible
I affirm the 66 books of the Bible as expressed in the Baptist Faith and Message. I would also add that the Bible is without error in its original form. Which means that hermeneutical diligence is important.
Man and Sin
I affirm the nature of Man as expressed in the Baptist Faith and Message. I also interpret sin as anything that moves you further away from God. See my undergraduate thesis, A Biblical Analysis of the Nature of Sin.